Hiring Proposal Cover Letter Example
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The Hiring Proposal Cover Letter Example
is a formal, written proposal sent to the hiring authority following an employment meeting or at any other opportune time. This document is an actual proposal offering your services to the company or organization. In effect, you are telling the prospective employer that you have accepted them as your future employer! Submitting a proposal is an innovative and effective method of showing initiative. It is also a strategy useful for creating a job that does not exist, but whose creation you believe.

Harold Ray Handley
Marster Plumber
32 Green Street
Bristol,CT 14235

May 27,2005

Mr.Glen A.Abrams
Abrams Commercial
Plumbing Contractors,Inc.
2499 Pinehurst Way
Bristol,CT 14228

Dear Mr.Abrams:

It was a pleasure meeting with you earlier in the week, and I was very impressed with your company. It occurred to me, as I was driving home following our interview, that the position of Commercial Plumber is perfect for me. I believe I have the four main qualifications we spoke about:
Hiring Proposal Cover Letter

  • Supervisory and organizational skills
  • Customer service and client retention management
  • Commercial plumbing experience (20+years)
  • Business development skills

I am so sure I am the person you are seeking, I would like to offer you a proposal:

I would join Abrams and Abrams Commercial Plumbing Contractors,Inc. for a probationary period of three months. In that period of time I will achieve the five main goals we spoke about:

  • Develop/implement a formal, written policy/procedure manual for staff plumbers
  • Develop/implement cost-effective training programs to improve technical skills
  • Develop/implement a measurable customer service program to achieve 98%(or above)service rating.
  • Improve gross margins by 5% through enhanced productivity and purchasing/inventory management without compromising quality of service
  • To significantly reduce turnover and improve employee morale

If, after the initial 90 days of probation, you feel my work exceeds your highest expectations, we would discuss a more permanent, long-term relationship based on performance. Furthermore, I believe I can help market and promote Abrams and Abrams Commercial Plumbing Contractors to the many contacts I have in this area. I am committed to being a contributing member of your team in business development as well.

I will contact you next Monday, after you have had the weekend to review this proposal. I believe it is a win-win situation for both your company and me, and I look forward to discussing this next week.


Harold Ray Handley
Hiring Proposal Cover Letter

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A proposal letter is a professional document that introduces your business ideas to an important recipient who holds a decision-making role. A proposal letter can introduce an idea to try to convince the recipient to read a full document with supporting information, or it can be the proposal itself.
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This PDF Hiring Proposal Document is from Southeastern Louisiana University. Founding in 1925, the Southeastern Louisiana University is a diverse family of students from over 40 states and over 50 foreign countries. You can find more employment information at Southeastern Employment Site.
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Writing a good cover letter is an essential step towards winning a bid. In the request for proposal (RFP) process, this single-page letter marks your first opportunity to grab a prospect’s attention and make it clear that your company is uniquely positioned to solve their problem. So if you’re currently using boilerplate copy… Stop. Immediately.

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